It's funny how things go sometimes.
My recent & definitely not the 1st decision to forget a guy was going pretty well. I don't experience the quickening heartbeat, the usual nervousness, nor the expectant or hopeful air, when I'm around him anymore. In a sense, I can be myself. I won't lie & say I'm already completely over him, or say I don't throw the occasional quick glances towards him anymore, but hey, I'm getting there.
I got peeved off at someone today for calling me something I know I'm not. Let me get this clear: I never look at guys (even if I happen to be crushing on them or not) with the idea of "getting it on" or anything related to that. Use your brain before you start using a word which you don't even know the meaning of at other people.
Another thing I've realised today. Guys can be disgusting when they're being... Well, just guys. I brought up the topic of one girl with this guy, & the moment I mentioned her name, he said "What a big pair of *bleep*". Now, although I personally don'tlike the girl, I couldn't help but be offended. Do all guys look at girls like their sex objects? Please tell me, cause I'd really like to know.
I was never close to this guy in the first place, but as of today I've decided thatI don't think I'd want to know him. You know how you can feel either safe or uncomfortable with certain people? (I think girls would understand this question better) Anyway... Yeah, I wouldn't feel comfortable with this guy anymore. But then, I never was to begin with.
Sara tagged along with us after church & showed us her brother Genesis's DVD recorded performance at Australia's Curtin University Star Search last year. It was kinda cool. I loved the ideas & creativity they had. Makes me kinda miss being in college.
Our plan to go to the newly opened Kenny Rogers outlet didn't go as well. On top of the restaurant being full & that we had to make bookings so we'd hopefully get a seat, we were kinda late. Our plan was to meet up at 6pm, but by the time everyone got there & was fully seated, it was 7.30pm or so.
Apparently, most of the others didn't enjoy the meal either- no comment, cause there were those who came not invited by me, but not exactly unwelcome either. Basically, I can't be blamed for any of it. *Hehe* Check out the pictures.
Food! Glorious food!

The adorable Joyous

Uncle Jeremiah, Auntie Winnie & Aldous

Amelia, Joy & Angeline

Roy, Girlie, Sara & Me, doing something with my fork

You simply gotta love those muffins!

Purity rings... My Precioussssss