Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, is the most exciting movie to hit the screens for every fan of the Final Fantasy genre. Yes, your fave FFVII characters are back. The only exception is of course,
Aeris, who we only get some "teaser" views of what she would have looked like in some scenes.
I haven't seen the whole movie yet since Russell lent me his copy, but what I've seen so far is good. I think I've only view less than or around 20 minutes of disc one. Check out the screenshots I managed to find.

A slighty grown up Marlene with Tifa

Cloud finds an injured Tifa

Does the scenery look familiar? Well, that's cause it's Aeris's church!

Vincent Valentine looks as good as I imagined. *Hehe*

Even The Turks make an appearance
More screenshots to come! I'll post up my review of the movie when I'm finally done watching it too. Sad to say, I don't know when exactly that will be. x_x